
Replace ELM327 firmware

This document describes how to replace ELM327 adapter firmware

Hardware Requirements:

ELM327 board connections:

ELM327 HC04

From left to right: MCLR (orange), 5V (green), GND (yellow), PGD (purple), PGC (blue)

Step1: Get the needed software:

Option 1 (Recommended):

  1. Download MPLAB X IDE and install it, start MPLAB X IPE and select device PIC18F25K80.
  2. Go to the Step2.

Option 2:

  1. Download and install the PICkit™ 3 Programming App and Scripting Tool v3.10
  2. Edit the PICkit3.ini in the folder where the tool has been installed and add the following lines to the end of it:
    REVS: Y
  3. Download the File PKPlusDeviceFile.dat from https://sourceforge.net/projects/pickit3plus/
  4. Delete original PK2DeviceFile.dat in the tool folder, and rename PKPlusDeviceFile.dat to PK2DeviceFile.dat
  5. Start PICkit 3 v3.01

Step2: Program PIC18F25K80

Step3: Testing